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Special Needs Program

Parents of children with special needs often have to explore different avenues to help their children. Some of the most unique activities turn out to be the best fit!

Capoeira is especially beneficial for children with special needs because it builds skills in key areas of development, such as movement, rhythm and coordination.


Our program will be run by Alex Von Etzdorf (Graduada Lua), a qualified teacher in the area of special needs, specifically autism and down-syndrome.  Alex has over 12 years experience teaching special needs privately as well as in schools such as The Harbour School, ESF and DBIS.  


She has also been practicing capoeira for over 10 years where she carries a Graduada level and has mastered skills not only in the movements and musicality in Capoeira, but as well as the culture.  She speaks fluent Portuguese and has travelled extensively to Brazil and around the world for capoeira.


We're excited to combine Alex's knowledge, experience and passion and start a new capoeira program for kids with special needs. 


Our program will be starting in mid-August. If you are interested please send us an enquiry email to


HK Capoeira Team


Benefits of This Program Includes:


  • Consistency – Classes are typically scheduled once a week at the same time and class structure includes a lot of repetition

  • Discipline – Capoeira promotes respect in the practice and self respect (keeping uniforms crisp and clean is one of them)​

  • Concentration – Remembering each move requires complete focus

  • Coordination – Like many sports, capoeira helps children excel physically

  • Balance – This includes internal and external mind balance

  • Confidence – There may not be trophies like in some sports, but there is personal gratification in succeeding in certain levels of capoeira and graduating to the next level, where a new belt color is given.

Alex Von Etzdorf (Graduada Lua)


Lua has been involved in capoeira, samba and dance for over 10 years and has performed in Brazilian Arts events throughout Asia.

Her passion for capoeira began in 2006 when she took part in her first capoeira workshops and seminars. This inspired her to explore all aspects of Brazilian Arts including dance, music, language and culture. Lua travels to attend workshops with Mestres and teachers all over the world.

Trained in Child Development and Early Education, Alex teaches capoeira to students all over Hong Kong.




  • Child Development

  • Capoeira teacher level – Capoeira Camara

  • First Aid and CPR certified

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